Safety, Security and Handgun Training
Every day we face increased threats to our safety and security. Unfortunately, no segment of our society — home and abroad — is immune from threats of violence and/or criminal activity. Our families, friends, homes, neighborhoods, businesses, schools, churches, stores, transportation, etc., have become targets of people and groups who have no regard for civility and humanity. As a result, we all are at risk every moment of every day.
GFI is passionate about your safety and security and can provide assistance to help keep you safe.
Threat Assessments
Understanding the threats you face are crucial to developing an effective plan to counter those threat(s) and protect your valuable resources (lives and property). GFI can review your security environment to determine weaknesses and liabilities and provide recommendations to enhance your security and protection.
Personal Protection/Safety Consulting
GFI can conduct an in-depth review of your personal and professional life and provide recommendations to keep you and your family safe from potential threats, risks and hazards.
Home Security Assessments
We often take our home’s security for granted. GFI can evaluate your home and make recommendations to enhance its security through landscaping, security systems, fencing, shrubbery, lighting, pedestrian access, windows, doors and locks.
College Student Safety & Security Awareness
Very few parents take time to educate their kids on personal safety and security. Many times we think “it will never happen to us”. It’s not until our kids go off to college that we begin to think and worry about their safety. GFI can give you peace of mind when your kids are away at school by providing them training to enhance their safety and security mindset.
Safety and Security for the Real Estate Professional
Real estate professionals have become extremely vulnerable and victims to acts of extreme violence. In fact, they are perhaps the most vulnerable group of professionals. GFI is passionate about educating, equipping and empowering real estate professionals with information and resources to prevent them from becoming a victim of a violent crime.
Give Mark Gillespie a call discuss to discuss ways he can help keep you and your team safe as you show homes and deal with clients you know nothing about. Mark can provide individualized or group training to you, you staff and realtor associations. Give Mark a call today at 512-680-5851 or email him at
K-12 Grade Safety Awareness
Our children are priceless treasures. As a parent, our greatest concerns are for our children, regardless of their age. Our greatest hope is their safety, security, well-being, happiness and success. Before you know it, our children are grown and have set out on a path of their own. We enroll our kids in youth sports and programs, scouting, camps, etc. Seldom do we ever consider programs designed to teach them how to protect themselves and recognize threats and behaviors that can harm them -- until it's too late. Don't get caught wishing you could go back in time and enroll your child in a martial arts or self defense class. The threats we face today are increasing and they are violent. Everyday, we see news stories about bullying, kidnapping, human trafficking, and active shooter situations at schools, malls, and theaters. But how much time have we spent teaching our kids to recognize, respond and react to these threats? Sadly, I imagine your answer is seldom to never! Take the appropriate steps now to teach your children well. Mark Gillespie has the resources, education and knowledge to train, equip and empower your kids to protect themselves in a hostile environment.
Give Mark a call to see how he can help you and your family stay safe in an ever increasing violent and dangerous world. Knowledge is power. Ignorance leads to grief.

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